Dr. Sun Ok Lee
- The teacher -
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Sun Ok Lee
Personal Information:
Full Name: Dr. Sun Ok Lee
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea
Dr. Sunok Lee focuses on the career paths of artists, paying particular attention to factors that can positively or negatively influence their entry into professional life. Often, young musicians find that—despite their many years of training—the career opportunities available to them are far from what they had hoped for at the beginning of their studies.
Dr. Sunok Lee is familiar with these topics through practical experience and academic expertise.
Dr. Sunok Lee's academic expertise is based on her collaboration with experts in the music and cultural sectors. Drawing on interviews with managing directors of artist agencies, event organizers, and directors of cultural and music institutions, Dr. Sunok Lee examines the various career paths of musicians. In doing so, she has been able to analyze recurring behavioral patterns among many musicians. It became clear that young musicians could better plan and build their careers with just a few self-management tools.
Dr. Sunok Lee teaches various aspects of career development for young musicians.
By way of example:
Lecture mdw 2022/23
"Introduction to Self-Management for Young Musicians" – The Path to Career Planning
Lecture „the JAM MUSIC LAB Private University“ 2022
„"Introduction to Social Media for Young Musicians – The Path to Self-Promotion“
Lecture mdw 2021
"Introduction to Self-Management for Young Composers & Sound Engineers" – The Path to Career Planning
Lecture at the symposium "Diploma in Hand! What Now?" at mdw 2018
A symposium of the Austrian Music Council in cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and the Student Union of mdw
Leading workshop 'Self-Management for Young Musicians' (using composers as an example) at mdw 2017
An event of the Career Center at mdw for students and graduates of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Social Media and Influence:
Blogger and Influencer (Since 2020):
Dr. Lee has been active as a blogger and influencer, focusing on promoting Korean culture and music. She is enrolled in Instagram’s affiliate program and YouTube’s partner program for monetization through advertising.
She also maintains a strong presence on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Teaching for young musicians since 2005
Preparation of candidates for the entrance examination at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, the University of Music and Art Private University of the City of Vienna, and the Zurich University of the Arts
Korean (Native)
English (Fluent)
German (Fluent)

Executive summary
• Project Management & Project Communication for the Vienna International Beethoven Piano Competition of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw)
• Musical Advisor of the Korea Cultural Centre in Vienna and Artistic Director of Ensemble Korea of the Cultural Centrein Vienna (2023/24)
• Teaching at universities
o Course 'Introduction to Self-Management for Young Musicians – The Path to Career Planning' at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (2022)
o Course 'the JAM MUSIC LAB Private University,' 'Introduction to Social Media Presence for Young Musicians' – The Path to Self-Marketing (2022)
o Teaching the course 'Introduction to Self-Management for Young Composers & Sound Engineers' – The Path to Career Planning' at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (2021)
o Lecture at the symposium 'Diploma in Hand! What Now?' at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (2018)
o Conducting the workshop for the Career Center of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna: 'Self-Management for Young Musicians' (2017)
o Teaching candidates for the entrance examination at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna; the Music and Arts Private University of the City of Vienna, and the Zurich University of the Arts (since 2005)
• Performances as a solo violinist
o On the occasion of the anniversary '130 Years of Diplomatic Relations between South Korea and Austria,' performance on the ORF show 'Silvia kocht' on behalf of the South Korean Embassy (2022)
o Performance on the K-Pop TV show 'I Can See Your Voice' in South Korea in front of 18 million viewers (2022)
o Performance on the ORF show 'Silvia kocht' on behalf of the South Korean Embassy (2021)
o Performance as Korea Lee in the crossover genre for various concerts (since 2010)
o Performance as Sunok Lee in the classical genre (concerts, festivals) (since 1995)
• Social media expert
o Monetization of the brand 'Korea Lee' on social media (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) through enrollment in the partner programs and affiliate programs of YouTube and Instagram, as well as positioning as a blogger and influencer (since 2020)
o Brand development of Korea Lee (exhibited as part of 'Changing mdw - Sound Worlds and Their Construction' exhibition for the 200th anniversary of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) (since 2010)
o Invitation to television discussions by ZDF and SWR on the topic of 'Education and Learning' (since 2010) and participation as an influencer on the ORF show 'Silvia kocht' (2021)
• Education and cultural management
o Promotion to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Dr. Phil. (2019)
o Submission and publication of the dissertation at the mdw: 'Career Paths of Female Violinists: A Comparison of Classical and Pop' (1st supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Huber, 2nd supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Smudits). Conducting and analyzing qualitative interviews on the career paths of musicians (2018)
o Organization and leadership of the European audition for the Daejeon Philharmonic Orchestra in Vienna, as well as serving as personal assistant to Maestro James Judd (2018)
Scientific Work
Dissertation by Sunok Lee | Doctoral Thesis in Music Management
Career Paths of Female Violinists – A Comparison Between Classical and Pop Music
The dissertation treats career paths of artists with special consideration of factors that influence positively or negatively the entrance into professional life as a musician. Foremost in consideration are graduates of the Vienna University of Music and Representative Art, female violinists in particular. Despite hopes aspired to at the start of a course of study, a professional path often fails to open up or reveal itself, regardless of the many years of education.
The dissertation makes central use of the transcription and evaluation of interviews both of musicians who have reached their career aims and of graduates whose original career aims could not be realized. The interview script concentrates on the one hand on the education and the career start, and on the other hand on the support structure and strategies which ought to bring about success in a career. In conjunction with this, the career realm of “classical” is compared to that of “pop”. Furthermore, conversations with other area experts are conducted (management, agents, producers, directors, ...) and analyzed.
The dissertation additionally provides focus on gender aspects. From perspectives of feminist theory and also in conjunction with Korean literature, the dissertation considers how gender affects the female musician’s career. What disadvantages young artists must expect and which strategies women must employ in particular in order to bring about a sustainable career. In treating this topic, critical examination of questions like “decision criteria of ‘gatekeepers’” and “role of ‘sex-appeal’ as aspect of performance” is conducted.
A further area of scientific study and analysis in the dissertation involves the qualitative analysis of a diary of the author. The diary elaborates her experiences at competitions with respect to strategies used to market her personality as an artist.
The qualitative analysis of the research material also allows discussion of possible career niches in musical-stylistic terms. After all, alongside the classical repertoire young female violinists also have available realms such as chamber music, old music, new music, and crossover with rock and jazz.
학술 연구
이선옥 박사 논문 | 음악 경영 박사 논문
여성 바이올리니스트의 경력 경로 –
클래식과 팝 음악의 비교
이 논문은 예술가들의 경력 경로를 다루며, 특히
음악가로서의 직업 세계 진입에 긍정적 혹은 부정적인 영향을 미치는 요인들에 대해 살펴봅니다.
주로 비엔나 음악 및 공연예술대학교 졸업생들,
특히 여성 바이올리니스트들이 주요 연구 대상
입니다. 학업을 시작할 때 기대했던 진로가, 많은
교육을 거쳤음에도 불구하고 현실에서는 제대로
열리지 않거나 예상만큼 나타나지 않는 경우가
본 논문은 경력 목표를 달성한 음악가들과 원래의 경력 목표를 실현할 수 없었던 졸업생들의 인터뷰 내용을 전사하고 평가하는 방식을 중심으로다룹니다. 인터뷰 질문지는 교육과 경력 시작 부분에 중점을 두는 한편, 성공적인 경력을 이끌어내기 위해 필요한 지원 구조와 전략들에 대해서도 다룹니다.
이와 함께 ‘클래식’과 ‘팝’ 경로를 비교하며, 관리, 에이전트, 프로듀서, 감독 등 관련 분야 전문가들과의 대화도 진행하고 분석합니다.
이 논문은 또한 성별 차이에 대한 요소를
집중적으로 다루며 여성주의 이론과 한국 문학과의 연계를 통해 성별이 여성 음악가의 경력에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지를 논의합니다. 젊은 예술가들이 겪을 수 있는 불리한 점들과, 여성들이 지속 가능한 경력을 위해 특별히 필요한 전략을 제시합니다.
이 주제를 다루면서 ‘게이트키퍼들의 결정 기준’과 ‘공연에서 성적 매력의 역할’ 등과 같은 문제를 비판적으로 살펴봅니다.
논문에서 또 다른 중요한 연구 영역은 저자의
경험 기록에서 나온 질적 분석입니다. 이 기록은 저자가 경연에서 겪은 경험을 바탕으로, 예술가로서 자신의 개성을 마케팅하기 위해 사용한
이 연구의 질적 분석은 음악 스타일 측면에서
가능한 경력 틈새 시장에 대한 논의도 가능하게
합니다. 결국 클래식 레퍼토리 외에도 젊은 여성
바이올리니스트들이 접근할 수 있는 분야로는
실내악, 고음악, 현대 음악, 그리고 록과 재즈와의 크로스오버 등이 있습니다.