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Sun Ok Lee

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- The Classical Violinist -

Modern interpretation of a Korean folk song

Die Braut von Korea

-interpretiert von Sunok Lee-

The Bride of Korea:

"On the occasion of the anniversary of 130 years of diplomatic relations between Korea and Austria, I had the honor of performing the nearly forgotten piece 'Liebesgöttinwalzer' from the ballet 'The Bride of Korea. The ballet 'The Bride of Korea' is considered one of the first and most important stage works that brought Korea to the Austrian cultural scene more than 120 years ago. I find it fascinating that Josef Bayer (music), Joseph Haßreiter (choreography), and Heinrich Regel (story) engaged with Korean culture and the situation of Korea at that time, even though Korea was an unknown country to most Europeans back then, and managed to bring such a ballet to the stage in Vienna. This ballet received significant media attention at the time for its music, storyline, and choreography.

A few years earlier, the Austrian diplomat Ernst von Hesse-Wartegg published a book about his experiences on a journey to Korea ('Korea, A Summer Journey to the Land of Morning Calm' 1894). His wife was an opera singer and had close ties to the Vienna Court Opera. One of the librettists of the ballet, Heinrich Regel, wrote the first storyline for 'The Bride of Korea' just one year after the publication of Hesse-Wartegg's book. This text was then completed two years later. The corresponding music was subsequently composed by Josef Bayer. The production was extremely elaborate and costly. To bring the exoticism of the Far East to the stage, unusually elaborate and colorful Eastern impressions were produced. The reviews were highly praised—the audience loved the piece.

The fusion of the Viennese waltz with exotic sounds, pronounced intervals, and exotic rhythms and harmonies makes the piece fascinating. This is all the more remarkable considering that Josef Bayer never visited Korea. Nevertheless, he created passages in the music where I, too, can recognize Korea.


The core of the story revolves around a love affair between a Korean prince and the servant girl Daisha. During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894/95, the prince decided to defend his country. However, for this, he had to be a married man, so he quickly marries a woman he meets at the harbor, Daisha. She saves the prince's life when he is to be executed as a prisoner of war. They flee to Korea and then have their wedding ceremony there.


So it’s a love story where the hero is actually a woman. This is quite ahead of its time and more fitting for today.

Despite its great initial success, the ballet disappeared from the stages. The cause was a political concern. Since there was a Japanese victory celebration during the ballet and at that time the relations between Japan and Russia were severely strained, the Austrian Foreign Minister had the piece withdrawn for diplomatic caution and fear of protests.

-Dr.Sun Ok Lee-

A Life for the Violin

The playing of the Korean solo violinist is known for its virtuosic technique, delicate timbres, and expressive interpretations.

Born in Seoul, South Korea, Dr. Sun Ok Lee began her violin studies at the age of 13 and was promptly accepted at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, where she completed her concert specialization in violin under Klaus Maetzl.

Within a few years, she had already performed with several orchestras. Her performances overseas and throughout Europe included radio and television broadcasts, recordings, and solo appearances with orchestras as well as chamber music concerts.

Sun Ok Lee is also known as a versatile and emotional recitalist. Her extensive repertoire includes both sonatas and the great masterpieces of violin playing. 




세계적인 교수님들과 음악가인 Vladimir Spivakov, Zakhar Bron, Roby Lakatos, Pavel Vernikov, 과 수차례 세계적인 뮤직 페스티발 에서 연주 경력. 

오스트리아, 독일, 슬로바카이, 체코, 이태리, 네덜란드, 벨기에, 스페인, 스위스, 스위덴, 영국, 멕시코, 프랑스, 모나코에서 수회의 순회연주 

Musikverein (Vienna), Konzerthaus Wien (Vienna), Tonhalle (Zurich), Berliner Philharmonie (베를린 필하모닉 콘서트홀), Monte Carlo Casino, the Grimaldi Forum Monaco 등  에서 Maestro Vladimir Spivakov, Maestro Zakhar Bron, Maestro Pavel Vernikov, Roby Lakatos, 등 세계적인 음악가들과 실내악 파트너로 많은연주와 협연 



교육 프로그램  출연 (강의, 토론, 연주) &한국문화 소개


SWR 방송사 „Nachtcafe“ (한국 부모님들의 열성, 세계적인 대한민국의 뛰어난 뇌)

ZDF 방송사 „Log In“ (대한민국 교육방식, 음악가의 세계)

RTL 방송사 „Das Supertalent 2010“

RTL 방송사 „Talk“ (클래식과 락의 차이점, 한국의 이미지, 한국정통)

ORF 방송사 „Silvia Kocht“ (김치, 한복, 다도, 아리랑)

ORF 방송사“Licht ins Dunkel“ (연주& charity쇼)



As a chamber musician, Dr. Sunok Lee collaborates with numerous outstanding artists. Her concert tours and musical collaborations have taken Mag. Sunok Lee to Monaco, Japan, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Korea.

Her musical development was significantly influenced by Zakhar Bron, Pavel Vernikov, Vladimir Spivakov, Klaus Maetzl, and the international star conductor Maestro Riccardo Muti.









코리아 리

„ 이선옥은 강열함과,부드러움을잃지않은 음악성과 파워풀한 호소력과 섬세함을 가지고있는 연주자다. 오케스트라랑 화합을 잘하는 편안한 연주가 임에도, 솔로이스트에 화려함을 연주에서 잃지않는 연주가다.

이선옥은 미래를여는 꿈나무 연주가로 기억해둘 이름이다.“

-지휘자 리카르도 무티-

1995-1998 비엔나 국립음대 (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) 바이올린예비과정 입학, 수료

1995년 비엔나 예술 고등학교 입학 2000년 "Matura"

"Wiener Musikgymnasium, Neustift gasse" 고등학교 졸업.

1998 비엔나 국립음대 (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) 연주과 과정 (o.Univ. Prof Klaus MAETZL,클라우스 메첼 교수 사사.)

1998 비엔나 중고등학교 에서 솔로 협연자로 뽑혀 연주

2002 비엔나 국립음대 학사 졸업,

2007 비엔나 국립음대 석사졸업

2019 비엔나 국립음대 박사졸업


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